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Tara S. Gree, Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
How Do I

National Child Abuse Prevention Month Recognized in April

In recognition of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month, we highlight the important services our employees offer year-round that help protect children from abuse and neglect. Clerks help to prevent child abuse and promote the welfare of children and families through a variety of roles. For example, the processing of restraining orders and auditing court-ordered child support payments.  Many of these services are available at no cost to recipients. If granted by a judge, final injunctions can protect children and their parents by creating no-contact requirements, limited or supervised time-sharing with children, conditions that a defendant must leave a residence, and requirements for a defendant to pay support for minor children or a petitioner.

In addition to processing protective injunctions, our clerks maintain accurate, court-ordered child support payment records, providing accountability within Florida’s child support system and helping ensure obligations are met.

If there is any concern that a child is in immediate danger, always call 9-1-1 for assistance from law enforcement. The Florida Abuse Hotline operated by the Florida Department of Children and Families accepts reports of suspected or known instances of child abuse, neglect or abandonment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-962-2873.



Holiday Closures - Public Notice

All offices are closed on 12/24/24, 12/25/24, and 1/1/25.  Thank you.

2024 Holiday Closures (Christmas and New Year)