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Tara S. Gree, Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
How Do I


Thank you for your interest in the E-Notify Alert System.

E-notify logo

A brief instructional video is now available that walks users through the E-Notify registration process.

Click here to view this helpful video on how e-Notify works.

To register, first review all the information below and then follow the e-Notify link to begin:

The intent of the e-Notify system is to keep defendants, and any other interested parties, informed about upcoming court events.

  1. E-Notify system case types do not include juvenile criminal cases or misdemeanor traffic cases. Only adult criminal traffic, adult misdemeanors and adult felony cases are eligible.
  2. In order to locate the case you want to track, you must enter the full 6 numbers in the case number, i.e., 2019CT000123.  Do not leave out the zeros.
  3. E-Notify alerts serve only as reminders and are not intended to be an official notification or to replace any other Clerk of Court notification practices currently utilized.  All official scheduling will continue to occur through our normal business processes.
  4. Should a citizen have any questions or concerns about this new system, Criminal Department Manager Stephanie Wright is the point of contact and is prepared to assist as our designated e-Notify system administrator. Call (904)-269-6302.


Clay County Clerk of Courts Logo

Closure Notice - Presidents' Day 2025

Our offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in honor of the Presidents’ Day holiday.  Thank you.