Updated information about jury duty (or the cancellation of jury duty) is posted online as updates from the judiciary are shared with us.
Please check our juror webpage often if you have been summonsed to appear for jury duty.
We’d like to share with you a comprehensive video about the importance of serving on a jury and what your service entails. Please take a few moments to watch this presentation, which will likely answer many of your questions in advance of your visit to the courthouse.
Jurors can update their contact information, request an excusal and confirm service by visiting our juror webpage. This website also provides jurors with information regarding the selection process, payment for service, courthouse security as well as other helpful information.
All adult citizens who are residents of Clay County and possess a Florida driver license or other qualifying identification are subject to summons for jury duty.
- When reporting for jury duty, you may park in any available public lot, including the parking lot at the south end of the courthouse. Public parking is also available at the corner of Palmetto Avenue and Houston Street.
- Check-in is located in the Jury Assembly Room, 2nd Floor, Courtroom 2, of the Clay County Courthouse.
- Bring an acceptable form of identification such as a Florida Driver License, Florida Identification Card or a passport.
- You may bring reading or writing material as delays may occur during jury assignment and selection.
- Jury service lasts for one day or, if you are selected for a jury, for the length of the trial.
- Electronic devices will be removed from all members of a jury panel before jury deliberations begin. The judge may also request devices be removed during other stages of the trial.
Appropriate Attire Required
- Casual clothes such as jeans, shorts or t-shirts are NOT appropriate.
- For men, dress slacks, khakis, coat and tie, or collared shirts are appropriate.
- For women, dresses, dress slacks or pant suits are appropriate.
- Any military uniform or other uniform(s) are appropriate.
Questions regarding jury duty can be answered by Clerk’s Office personnel. Please call (904) 278-3692 or email us at jury@clayclerk.com. You may also visit our juror webpage for additional information.
*Please be aware that our office will never ask for payment of any kind due to missed jury duty. If you receive a request like this, know that it is a scam! Thank you. *
Disability Accommodations
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who need any accommodation to participate in this proceeding are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at (904) 255-1695 or crtintrp@coj.net at least seven (7) days before your scheduled appearance. If you are hearing impaired, please call 711.