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Tara S. Gree, Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
How Do I

Tax Deeds

General Tax Deed Sales Information
Property owners are required to pay property taxes on an annual basis to the County Tax Collector. If the owner neglects to pay his/her property taxes by the end of May following the taxable year, a “tax certificate” is sold by the Tax Collector. A tax certificate is held for a minimum of two years and a maximum of seven years. At any time between the second and seventh year, the certificate holder may request the sale of the property to satisfy the certificate. The property is placed up for bid and auctioned.

Tax Deed Sales
Tax deed sales are conducted by the Clerk of the Court. The conditions of each sale will be as prescribed by Florida Statutes 197 and the rules of the State of Florida, as outlined by the Department of Revenue.

All sales are held online. You must create an online account in order to participate in any sale.  To begin the registration process and for more information about online sales, visit the Tax Deed Sales website. All detailed property information can be found by visiting the Search Tax Deed & Lands Available website.

The opening bid shown on the Notice of Application for Tax Deed may change prior to the sale due to changes in the property assessment, additional or delinquent taxes, or fees assessed by the Clerk of Court or Tax Collector. Check this website prior to the sale for the opening bid amount. If you have questions, please call Tina Altman at (904) 529-4221.

There are no warranties or guarantees for potential buyers concerning the following:

  • The ownership of the property
  • Whether the property is subject to any liens, easements or restrictions
  • The land use, zoning, value, condition, marketability, profitability, or suitability for a particular use or purpose of the property
  • Whether any improvements, including buildings or mobile homes, are located on the property
  • The manner or quality of the construction incorporated into any part of the property
  • The manner, quality, state of repair, or lack of repair of the property, or of any improvements thereon
  • Whether utilities are available to the property

List of Lands
The “List of Lands” properties can be found by visiting the Search Tax Deeds & Lands Available website. The Lands Available tab located on that more detailed website will lead you to the full list. If you are interested in purchasing a property from the List of Lands, please email the Clerk’s Office at and include all applicable certificate numbers in which you are interested. Please allow up to 72 hours for our response, as additional information from the Tax Collector’s Office is required in order to ascertain the purchase price.


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