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Tara S. Gree, Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
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Diversionary Programs

Clay County Veterans Treatment Court

Questions?  Interested in becoming a mentor? The Clay County point of contact is Kim Biddle at 904-476-0392.

This program is designed to provide essential substance abuse treatment services, mental health treatment services, or both, to current and former military service members who have been arrested for a criminal offense, and in which a nexus between the offense or diagnoses and the veteran’s military service exists. The mission of the Veterans Treatment Court is to provide an inter-agency, collaborative, non-adversarial treatment strategy for veteran defendants in the criminal justice system. Veterans Treatment Court strives to serve a target population of veteran defendants who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, other psychological conditions, sexual trauma, or substance abuse problems that are identified as service-related conditions and that manifested themselves while in active military service or after an honorable or general under honorable discharge.

This program utilizes multiple interventions, including a collaborative approach to treatment and rehabilitation, drug/alcohol testing, regular court appearances and educational opportunities that are intended to provide the skills necessary to maintain a clean and sober lifestyle and to reconnect with families and community.

Veterans Treatment Court will provide eligible veterans with the opportunity to receive specialized one-on-one veteran peer mentor support, assistance in gaining access to veteran healthcare and benefits from the US Department of Veteran Affairs, and community supervision, thus ensuring public safety and accountability. A full program description can be found in the Clay County Veterans Treatment Court Handbook.

Clay County Veterans Treatment Court is held every other Thursday at the Clay County Courthouse.  All Veterans Treatment Court proceedings are confidential.

Clay County Adult Drug Court

This program was developed and implemented under the direction of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in 2001. The Clay County Adult Drug Court Program is a court-supervised, comprehensive treatment program for nonviolent defendants.  Adult Drug Court includes regular court appearances before a designated Drug Court Judge, intensive treatment, random drug testing, individual/group counseling, family counseling and regular attendance at Sobriety Support meetings such as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. Adult Drug Court is a combined effort of the State Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, the Court, the Department of Corrections and Clay Behavioral Health Center. Program participants will be assisted with obtaining education and skills assessments and will be provided referrals for vocational training, education and /or job placement services. The program length, determined by each participant’s progress will be no less than one year. A full program description can be found in the Clay County Adult Drug Court Handbook.

Clay County Adult Drug Court is held every other Thursday at 8:30 am at the Clay County Courthouse.  All Adult Drug Court proceedings are confidential.

Clay County Teen Court

This program is a research-based, cost-effective alternative to the traditional handling of juvenile delinquency cases. At our core is the philosophy that youthful law violators are less likely to continue to be offenders when a peer jury decides their punishment. Teen Court engages teens in activities that promote self-esteem, integrity, responsibility, and leadership. Teens become the solution, not “the problem”. Teen Court is a life-changing program offering first-time respondents, ages 12-17, a second chance while holding them accountable for their actions. Every position in the courtroom is held by a teenager with the exception of the judge, who is an adult member of the Clay County Bar Association. A trial routine is followed and teens get hands-on experience as attorneys, clerks, bailiffs, and jurors. Teen Court is operated under the supervision of Manager Stacey Smith.

Visit the Teen Court page on this Clerk’s Office website for more details.
