All Divisions | Fee |
For opening of any estate of one document or more, including but not limited to: Petitions and Orders to approve settlement of minor’s claims; to open a safe deposit box; to enter rooms and places; for the determination of heirs (if not a formal administration); and for a foreign guardian to manage property of a non-resident. Note: This procedure is not for issuance of letters or orders of summary or family administration | $231.00 |
Notice of Trust | $41.00 |
Caveat | $41.00 |
Petition and order to admit foreign wills, authenticated copies, exemplified copies or transcript of record | $231.00 |
For disposition of personal property without administration | $231.00 |
Summary administration less than $1000 | $235.00 |
Summary administration $1,000 or more | $345.00 |
Formal administration, guardianship, ancillary, curatorship, or conservatorship proceedings | $400.00 |
Guardianship proceeding of person only | $235.00 |
Veterans Administration Guardianship | $235.00 |
Petition for determination of incapacity | $231.00 |
Exemplified certificate | $7.00 |
Petitions/Motions that reopen previously closed cases – F.S. 28.241(1)(b) | $50.00 |
Guardianship Audit Fee, Initial Inventory (if above $25,000.00) | $85.00 |
Guardianship Audit Fee, Annual Financial Return:
All Divisions | Fee |
a. For estates valued at $25,000 or less | $20.00 |
b. For estates valued from $25,001 to $100,000 | $85.00 |
c. For estates valued from $100,001 to $500,000 | $170.00 |
d. For estates valued at more than $500,000 | $250.00 |