Child Support / Depository is our centralized office for child support and alimony payments. Our clerks process payments for Clay County, Florida cases only.
The Florida Legislature mandated the Department of Revenue to contract with the Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers and each depository to operate and maintain a State Disbursement Unit (SDU). The SDU is responsible for the collection and disbursement of all payments for Clay County and is part of our office’s Civil Department.
Introducing PayKidz
PayKidz is your go-to child support payment management system in Florida.
PayKidz provides safe and secure child support payment portals in Florida.
One of the top choices for child support payments through the Florida Department of Revenue, PayKidz is a solution for parents looking to make child support payments online. Click here to begin.
The Florida Child Support Payment Resource Center is the optimal online tool for citizens making online payments as well as for anyone who needs assistance with the child support payment process.
Payments can also be made by calling (844) 577-5649, Monday-Friday, from 8 am to 8 pm EST, or 24 hours a day at (855) 984-1187.
In addition to processing and disbursing support payments, the state’s Online Resource Center offers users a variety of options including the ability to see case activity, search for payments, print payment histories and update contact information.
Questions regarding the status of a child support case may be directed to the state directly at 1 (850) 488-KIDS (5437).
Driver License Suspension Program
Clay County’s Child Support Driver License Motor Vehicle Registration Suspension Program is a Child Support Enforcement initiative offered by the Clay County Clerk of Court. Pursuant to Florida Statutes 61.13016 and 322.05 a payor who is fifteen (15) days delinquent, is subject to, upon payee’s written request, the initiation of the suspension program.
Program Qualifications
- You must have a Clay County, Florida, order for child support payments
- You must not currently be under contract with the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement Program
- The payor must have a valid Florida driver license
Complete the Request to Suspend Driver License and Motor Vehicle Registration Form and return it to our office.
The payee will receive a written ‘Notice of Intent’ to initiate the suspension, and has three options:
- Pay the full delinquency and pay the $25 delinquency fee per Florida Statute 322.245(2),
- Enter into a written agreement for delinquency repayment, plus pay the $25 delinquency fee per Florida Statute 322.245(2), or
- File a petition for hearing with the court to ‘Contest the Suspension’; payor is responsible for filing fees charged by the Clerk’s Office, in addition to paying the $25 delinquency fee per Florida Statute 322.245(2).
If the payor fails to select one of these options within twenty (20) days from the date of the Notice of Intent to Suspend Florida Driver License and Motor Vehicle Registration, the Clerk’s Office will forward a request to suspend the payor’s driver license and motor vehicle registration to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The suspension cannot be reinstated until the full delinquency and fees are paid, or the parents enter into a written agreement for the repayment of the delinquent child support monies.
If you have questions about this process, contact (904) 269-6325 or visit the Florida Department of Revenue.