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Tara S. Gree, Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Clay County, FL
How Do I

First Territorial Survey of Clay County

Improvements are noted on each survey, along with the section numbers where you can find them. Click on underlined areas to see the survey.

How many houses were there?

The survey shows 17 houses, although there were probably more, especially near Garey’s Ferry, Whitesville, and in areas where fields and patchworks of roads (trails, really) are shown. In particular, Gabriel Priest’s house is not shown; we know it exists because it is used as the 1826 election precinct. Other places likely to exist are in Middleburg area: Tyner, T. Hagin, M. Hagin, and Branning. 6 fields are shown unattached to houses, so those may have had structures. The post office at Whitesville (1828) is known to exist, probably in Samuel Garey’s house since he was postmaster. About 25 other surnames not shown here are found in the Gold Mine of Names. In total, about 50 houses could have existed.

The Following are not shown but had already been established:

  • Cemeteries at Brannings (T5-R24, before 1810)
  • Ft. Heileman (T5-R25, c1830)
  • Hibernia (5-26, in1821)
  • Old Hickory Grove (6-26, before 1826)

*Buddington bought Jonathan R. Wilson’s store and lot on “Virginia Bluff” in 1832. [Parade of Memories, pg 35.]

Place names not referred to but known to exist on other maps by this time include:

  • Fleming Island (1823)
  • Feuger’s Fort (which nothing is known about except it appears on an 1829 map at the location of the later Ft. Heilman arsenal)
  • Hagin’s Ferry (camp 1-2 miles south on South Prong)
  • Branum’s Ferry
  • Mrs. Monroes (on Alchua Trail, burned 1836).

Roads shown on other maps of this time period include:

  • St. Augustine-to-Pupo-to-Micanopy (1810)
  • Bellamy Road (1824)
  • Jacksonville-Alachua-Military Road (1826)
  • Jacksonville-Tallahasee (1829).

Township Rows and Ranges

Township 4-Range 23

Survey (1833) 30 – Alachua – St. Mary’s Road 31 – road fragment

Township 4-Range 24

Township 4-Range 25

Township 4-Range 26

Township 5-Range 23

Township 5-Range 24

Township 5-Range 25

Township 5-Range 26

Township 6-Range 23

Township 6-Range 24

Township 6-Range 25

Township 6-Range 26

Township 7-Range 23

Township 7-Range 24

Township 7-Range 25

Township 7-Range 26

Township 7-Range 27

Township 8-Range 23

Township 8-Range 24

Township 8-Range 25

Township 9-Range 23

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